• The next generation, Welcome to the future of Innovative Greentech

    Powered by advanced nanotechnology with the aim to reduce carbon emissions dramatically. 

    Example of our state-of-the-art Gen1 VertSolgreenhouse technology and solar panel products

  • The next generation, Welcome to the future of Innovative Greentech

    Powered by advanced nanotechnology with the aim to reduce carbon emissions dramatically. 

  • The next generation, Welcome to the future of Innovative Greentech

    Powered by advanced nanotechnology with the aim to reduce carbon emissions dramatically. 

Our greenhouse products  integrate revolutionary advanced technology with agriculture– so as to optimally capture and utilize the sunlight.

Our Gen1 VertSolincorporates a Luminescent Solar Concentrator (LSC) constructed of nano-material within a standard solar panel.

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How it works

Light Spectrum and Downshift


Harnessing wavelengths of light


Provides unique colocation of solar energy while boosting photosynthesis.


Creating the ability to convert and allocate sunlight for both plant photosynthesis and electricity generation.


Explore our greenhouse technology and products

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